Can all people be led in the same way?
As you probably understand, the answer is no. But what makes different people need different types of leadership support? According to Blanchard and Hersey, each situation requires its own type of leadership style, which is behind the Situational Leadership model. The core of the model is based on long-term development of individuals so that they can achieve their full potential.
How leadership should look is based on two different parameters:
Competence – knowledge & other skills
Commitment – motivation & self-confidence
Based on these parameters, it is determined which development level the employee is at, U1-U4. When we then know the level of development, we choose a leadership style, S1-S4.
U1 Low Competence, High Commitment – Choose the instructive leadership style, S1
U2 Some Competence, Low Commitment – Choose the coaching leadership style, S2
U3 Medium to high competence, Varying Commitment – Choose the supportive leadership style, S3
U4 High Competence, High Commitment – Choose the delegating leadership style, S4
If you want to go into depth about situational leadership, attend one of our leadership courses.
So what do the different leadership styles mean?
S1 Instructive
- The leader defines roles for employees
- Problem solving and decision making are initiated by leaders
- One-way communication
S2 Coaching
- The leader now listens to employees’ thoughts, ideas and questioning
- Two-way communication
- Control over decision-making remains with leaders
S3 Supporting
- The focus on control is transferred to employees
- The leader actively listens
- Employees have the ability and knowledge to perform the task
S4 Delegating
- The manager discusses problems with employees
- They seek common agreements on problem definitions
- Decisions are made by subordinate employees
If you want to know more about how we at Peter & Partner can help you in your leadership development, contact us!