Our experience is that the key to all leadership and employee development is to understand yourself and your colleagues in a better way. Leading oneself and others in a good way is for an organization just as important as a manager/leader being able to lead his employees in a good and efficient way.
Today, we work with everything from open training courses to internal leadership programs. We train and coach at all levels, from employees to top managers in management groups or individually. We also offer the analysis tool IPU.
Selected courses
Read our interview with Linda
- Innehållet i utbildningen var mycket bra och lärorikt, även upplägget!
Vi erbjuder olika utbildningar inom Ledarskap, en av dem är Ledarskap för mellanchefer & ledare. Vi har intervjuat en av våra deltagare, Linda Wiberg, för att se vad hon tyckte om utbildningen.