Terms and Conditions

§ 1 Applicability
These terms and conditions apply to in-house and open, scheduled training conducted by companies under the auspices of Peter & Partners.

§ 2 Agreement
These conditions are attached to all agreements that specify training. These terms and conditions form part of the agreement. The agreement specifies its validity period.

§ 3 Contract documents
The assignment may be regulated by other contractual documents than these terms and conditions and the above-mentioned agreement.

Other contractual documents supplement these terms and conditions. If there are conflicting provisions in the contract documents, a later document applies before an earlier document.

However, these conditions always apply unless otherwise agreed.

§ 4 Mission
Peter & Partner provides course management, teachers and required course material and, in cases where the training is run in Peter & Partner-provided course premises, premises, computer equipment and other material that needs to be used for the training.
In the case of in-house training that is run in premises provided by the customer, the customer is responsible for the premises, computer equipment and other material.

In-house training is carried out according to the working method agreed upon by the customer and Peter & Partner. If the working method is not specified, the training is conducted according to the Peter & Partner method.

§ 5 Confirmation
Order confirmation is sent from Peter & Partner to the customer after acceptance of the order/assignment.

§ 6 Summons
Invitations to course participants are taken care of by Peter & Partner when booking open scheduled courses. In the case of in-house training, the invitations to the course participants are taken care of by the customer, unless otherwise agreed.

§ 7 Course information
All courses run 09:00-16:00 unless otherwise agreed.

§ 8 Organization, course management group
For extensive internal company projects, the customer and Peter & Partner can form a course management group together. The course management group (the course management) must decide how the training will be practically carried out.

§ 9 Ownership of educational content etc
Ownership of course material, course content, course layout and execution belongs to Peter & Partner.

In this section, course material refers to all material produced by Peter & Partner itself or through a subcontractor and which is used in the teaching.

§ 10 Confidentiality
Information about the course material and content as well as the technology for the course’s layout and execution may not be passed on to third parties by the customer without Peter & Partners’ consent.

Nor may conditions in general that apply to the relations between the parties according to these conditions be passed on to external third parties.

§ 11 The price of the assignment
Prices and discounts for education are shown in the attached price appendix, quotations or other written agreement.

§ 12 Payment
Payment is made against invoice. Invoicing for in-house training takes place in direct connection with the start of the first course, unless otherwise agreed.

Invoicing for open courses takes place directly in connection with the start of the course.

The invoice must be paid within 30 days from the date of the invoice. If the parties disagree about any part of the invoice, the undisputed amount must be paid within the specified time. In the event of late payment, late payment interest is payable in accordance with the provisions of the Interest Act.

§ 13 Value added tax
Statutory VAT is added.

§ 14 Travel and allowances
In the case of internal company training, not organized in Peter & Partners’ own premises, travel and subsistence costs for teachers are charged. Debiting takes place according to government standards.

§ 15 Change and cancellation rules
In-house training: The booking can be rebooked or canceled free of charge up to 30 days before the start of the course. In case of later cancellation or rebooking, the entire course fee will be charged at the original start of the course. Requests to move an internal company course opportunity must be notified to Peter & Partner no later than 14 days before the start of the course. Moving a course session can be done free of charge once within four months.

Open scheduled training: The booking can be canceled free of charge up to 30 days before the start of the course. After that, the booking is binding, but not personal. The place can be transferred to a company colleague. In case of cancellation later than 30 days before the start of the course, the full course fee will be charged.

Up to and including 14 days before the start of the course, the customer can choose to rebook for another course opportunity free of charge (applies to the same type of course). However, the cost is charged at the original training session. This applies once within 6 months.

In case of cancellation/re-booking 0-14 days before the start of the course, a 50% discount is received for new bookings of the same course if the new booking is made in connection with the cancellation. In case of proven illness, SEK 1,000 is charged for rebooking, to cover administration and other fixed costs.

§ 16 Restrictions from authorities

In the event of national or regional restrictions from authorities regarding physical meetings, the physical courses are automatically converted to digital.

§ 17 Dispute
Any dispute shall be settled in accordance with the Act on Arbitrators.

§ 18 Force Majeure
If a party is prevented from fulfilling the agreement due to circumstances beyond its control which the party could not reasonably have been expected to have anticipated at the time of the conclusion of the agreement and whose consequences the party could not reasonably have avoided or overcome, or the counterparty’s subcontractor is prevented from fulfilling delivery due to circumstances which stated here, this shall entail exemption from penalties according to the agreement.

A party wishing to invoke a circumstance specified in this point must notify the other party thereof as soon as possible by means of a written notice. The party must also notify the other party in writing as soon as the circumstances cease to prevent the fulfillment of the agreement.

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