
Protecting future generations is a matter of course for us at Peter & Partner Utbildning. Sustainable development is about showing consideration for people and the environment.

We have selected various points that we work on, both internally and together with our customers.

Our environmental responsibility

We strive to minimize our environmental impact by:

  • Traveling must be as environmentally efficient as possible
  • Digital meetings as far as possible
  • Conscious choices when planning training courses
  • Choose eco-labelled products/services as far as possible
  • Use digital course material as much as possible
  • We use digital solutions for invoices and agreements
  • We sort and recycle everything possible

Our social responsibility

We are particularly concerned about other people, both customers and employees. We have chosen to focus on the following to take our social responsibility:

  • We have an organization based on a democratic and equal approach
  • We work to counteract stress among our employees and reduce sick leave
  • Under no circumstances do we accept harassment or offensive discrimination
  • We respect differences regardless of gender, age and background
  • We work to actively initiate dialogue about equality/diversity with customers and partners in our assignments
  • Our employees have great opportunities for hybrid workplaces, i.e. that they themselves choose where they want to work
  • We support local associations/activities and the contributions must be distributed equally

Our business

What we do must be both profitable and sustainable, both for us and for our customers. To succeed in this, we work with the following:

  • We see sustainability as an obvious and necessary prerequisite for both our own and our customers’ operations and therefore work with the issue of sustainability throughout our operations and in our business model
  • Continuous training of the staff to give our customers the best possible results
  • Ongoing evaluation of our work through, for example, dialogue with customers and internal quality assurance
  • We stand on our own two feet and have the resources needed for the business we conduct
  • Constant development of services to meet new needs

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Do you want to know more?

Are you curious to know more or perhaps you want to share your ideas and thoughts regarding your own development? Book a free meeting with Lisa.


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