Forms of education

Peter & Partner offers various types of education, Physical education, Digital education, E-learning and Mixed learning environment. Depending on the conditions of the intervention and which educational goals exist, we recommend different alternatives. Contact us and we will guide you in the right direction!

Physical Education

The training is carried out at the customer’s location or in another training location. We believe that the physical meeting between people is an important part of creating the spread of knowledge, exchange of experience and networking. In the first place, we recommend this particular form of education if the right conditions exist.

Digital/distance education

By distance education we mean education where trainers and participants are located remotely and not in the physical room. Primarily, the distance elements of the education are teacher-led in real time where we are all connected and present at the same time, there may also be homework. This option may be preferred if there are travel restrictions etc.

Mixed learning environment

In this variant, we mix both physical and digital education. It may be a slightly longer training program where some meetings and exercises are carried out digitally.


We offer recorded modules within Microsoft 365. You can choose to purchase these separately or alternatively as a supplement to a live training.

Contact us for more information